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Edit Room Settings

How to edit all your Room settings

Vincent Alfieri avatar
Written by Vincent Alfieri
Updated over a week ago

The left sidebar gives you the option to edit your Room Settings.

This includes:

  • Change the Room Status between active and inactive

  • Change the Private Room option between on and off.

  • Add or remove a Custom Column, or rename it to your liking

  • Add or remove the Notes Column to enable/disable conversation about the line items directly on the checklist

  • Turn the Activity Report on or off to hide this page from the left sidebar.

  • Turn the Email-to-Folder option on or off.

  • Turn the Document Watermark option on or off.

  • Turn the Change status on upload option on or off

The Room Settings page lets you view the Room Access Type, but this feature is set during room creation and can no longer be changed.

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