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Room Deactivation

How to deactivate deals from your dashboard

Ian Group avatar
Written by Ian Group
Updated over 4 months ago

If you no longer need a room, you can deactivate your room to remove it from your rooms dashboard. The deactivated room is always available under your Rooms Dashboard if you use the Status filter and Inactive or Clear all.

Deactivating a room turns off email notifications and the ability to upload/delete documents.

Users can still view all items in the room, custom column values, due dates, and notes, but you can't make any changes. You can't add or remove teams and members.

Deactivating a room

  1. Click into your desired room.

  2. Go to Settings on the left sidebar in your room.

  3. Find the Status option under General Settings.

  4. Click on the Active toggle to change it to Inactive.

  5. A pop-up confirmation box will appear. Click "Deactivate" to confirm the change.

To reactivate a room, click the toggle again and the status will revert to Active (you will not need to confirm the selection)

Accessing a deactivated room

You can always access your inactive deals on your dashboard. Select the status filter.

By default, the status filter only shows Active rooms. If you remove the filter, you will see all rooms.

Select "Inactive" to see any inactive rooms.

Notifications upon deactivation

Users in the room (except those belonging to restricted teams), will receive an email notification when a room is deactivated or reactivated.

Removing a Room

To permanently remove or delete a room, the room should be deactivated. Once it has been deactivated, the Remove Room option will appear in the Room Settings page.

Click Remove Room, then a pop-up confirmation box will appear. Click "Remove Room" to confirm the removal of the room.

​Please always double-check the room you're about to delete, as there is no way of recovering them.

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