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Room Permissions in ProDeal
Room Permissions in ProDeal

This article describes how permissions and roles work together in ProDeal rooms.

Ian Group avatar
Written by Ian Group
Updated over a week ago

Understanding how permissions and roles work together in ProDeal will allow everyone to collaborate efficiently and securely. 

Team Roles vs Access

In ProDeal every deal is represented by a Room with a checklist.  Individuals have varying levels of control and visibility into the room and the checklist based on two factors:

  • Team Role:  Every room has one or more Teams where individuals are invited to join. Every team is assigned a “Role” which determines what members of that team are permitted to do, from collaborating through notes to assigning responsibilities.

  • Access:  Members of a team can view, upload, and download documents to specific parts of the checklist.  Regardless of their team’s role, the owner of an item (ex: line item, folder, document) can specify exactly what other teams have permission to view its contents. This enables teams to collaborate while ensuring that sensitive information remains secure.

Team Roles

There are five team roles in ProDeal:

  • Host (the team that creates the room)

  • Admin

  • Guest

  • View & Upload

  • View Only.

Here is an explanation of each team role:


A Host creates the room and has full control over the room

  • Create teams and assign Admin permissions 

  • View and modify room settings

  • View and access control of all documents

Example: By creating the ProDeal room, the lender is automatically assigned to a team with Host permissions. She and other members of her team have full control over the checklist. They can remove members from any team, mark the deal complete, delegate admin access when needed, and view all documents within the room


An Administrator (or Admin) has

  • Manage Checklist and items

  • Control status of folders and documents

  • Assign responsible parties

Example: In the same scenario as above, lender invites in their counsel to manage the deal checklist. Lender’s counsel is made an Admin in the room and is keep checklist progress up to date, assign responsibilities, and configure the room to add additional deliverables.


A Guest has the ability to manage documents and collaborate. Functionality includes:

  • View, upload, download and share (secure link) documents they have access to

  • Collaborate using notes, custom columns, & more

  • Export Checklist (only checklist items and documents the Guest has access to)

Example: A lender (Host) creates a Room in ProDeal. She invites in the borrower on her transaction, whose team is, by default, a Guest. Upon logging into ProDeal, the borrower is able to view select deal documents, upload diligence proposal, communicate through notes, invite other users to their team, see who uploaded documents and see other teams in the room. As Guests, members of the borrower team cannot add or remove line items in the checklist or invite users to other teams.

View & Upload

This type of user can upload, download and view documents but their view of the room is limited. Functionalities include:

  • View, upload, download and share (secure link) documents they have access to

  • See Due date for items they have access to

They can get notifications for the items they have access to. They can't see any columns except for the Upload Date.

View & Upload team limitations include:

  • Transaction amount

  • Progress bar

  • Closed date

  • Search by a team's name

  • Checklist export

  • Room activity

Example: A lender (Host) invites an appraiser into ProDeal. The lender makes that appraiser a View & Upload team because they want the appraiser to be able to upload a single report in the room but they don't want the appraiser to see anyone else in the room.

View only

This type of user can only download and view documents, with their view of the room as well as upload being limited. Functionalities include:

  • View, download and share (secure link) documents they have access to

  • See Due date for items they have access to

They can get notifications for the items they have access to. They can't see any columns except for the Upload Date.

View only team limitations include:

  • Transaction amount

  • Progress bar

  • Closed date

  • Search by a team's name

  • Checklist export

  • Room activity

Example: a lender creates a ProDeal room and uses it to close a new loan. The lender now wants to sell the note and invites in five prospective note purchasers into the room. Since those purchasers only need to retrieve documents, the lender adds them as a View Only team. They won't be able to upload documents or see the other prospective buyers. They will be able to retrieve documents the host has given them access to.

If you have any additional questions about the ins and outs of roles and permissions, please contact support.

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