The Room Explorer allows users with access to a specific checklist or data room items to see, filter, and export those items across all rooms. This feature is available for Licensed Customers.
Room Explorer Dashboard Filters
Display what is relevant using Room Explorer's dashboard filters.
There are six types of filters you can use to specify what you need to see on the Room Explorer dashboard.
Bookmarked rooms
Type (type of item)
Due Date
Access (Users with access)
Responsibility (Users with responsibility)
Room Explorer dashboard search bar
You can search for checklist items using the search bar located at the top of your Room Explorer page.
Room Explorer Export
On the Room Explorer page, you can export a CSV and XSLS file format containing a list of the checklist items that you have access to.
π‘ You can use multiple filters for Status, Room, and Due Date. Only one user for the Access or Responsibility filter, and can export based on the active filters.
Click the EXPORT button found in the top right corner of your screen.
Select what type of file format you want to export.
π‘ Pro Tip: Users can search for all Items, Documents, and Notes across all rooms on any ProDeal page using the Global Search.
Related Articles
Dashboard Search Bar - Find your desired room quickly and easily.
Checklist Search Bar - Search for a document and/or a checklist item within the room.