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Learn About Some Features You Will Use Everyday On ProDeal

Ian Group avatar
Written by Ian Group
Updated over a year ago

Get started on ProDeal by learning about some of the basic features that you will use every day - like using the Checklist, sharing files, writing Notes, and managing the status of items in the room.

Get To Know Your Checklist

Checklist Items are organized into Headings, Line Items, and Subfolders. Open or Close them using the arrows on the left. To make new Headings, use the New Heading button on the top right.

Actions Menu

Each Checklist Item features an action button (3-dot menu) on the far right-hand side of its bar.

Each item has an Actions Menu on the far right-hand side.

Use this button to access the Actions Menu, a dropdown menu with many of our tools. Those include Notes, Downloading Documents, making new Checklist Items, Manage Due Date, Copy Secure Link, Email-to-Folder, Manage access, Manage Responsibility, and See Activity

You can also write Rename Line Items by using the Pencil and Chat Bubble Icons on your Checklist. Keep reading to learn more about each of these buttons.

The eye icon allows you to get email notifications when changes are made to the desired heading.

The default document status when uploaded is No Status. The default checklist item status is Open, but this can be tailored to your needs. You just need to contact our customer support at

All items have a tooltip that tells the name of the status. Each status has a different color: No status (white), Open (Red), In Progress (Grey), and Closed (Green).

Once you and your colleagues are ready to update a Checklist Item's status, select the items you want to update and click the Update Status button.

To make your workflow as efficient as possible, use our Filters feature. At the top of your Checklist page are five different Filters - Status, Access, Responsibility, and Upload Date. If there is an Unread document in your checklist, the Unread Filter Icon will also appear.

Use these filters in any combination.
​Example: You can filter to view only Open, Closed, and Unread Line Items that the Lender's Counsel Team is responsible for.

​Notes are a great way to communicate with colleagues in a deal room. You can write comments on Line Items or update your colleagues on the status of any part of the deal. Use the Actions Menu to select Notes on any Line Item. This will open up a chat room where you can send any message, update, or question to your colleagues. After a first Note has been written, you can access the Notes chain of that Line Item by clicking on the Chat Bubble Icon next to the Line Item name.

You can upload documents by moving the cursor over the Checklist Item you want to upload the document to and clicking the hovering Upload button on the right side. This will allow you to upload any document from your computer.

You can also upload any document on your desktop by clicking on it and dragging it to any Checklist Item.

ProDeal is equipped to absorb large quantities of files at a time, as well as any folder structure. Simply drag and drop documents in any folder structure onto ProDeal, and it will be duplicated on the platform.

To download a document that your colleagues have shared with you on ProDeal, move the cursor over the Document you want to download and click the hovering Download button on the right side.

To download the Checklist structure to your computer, you can also download a selection or an entire Subfolder, Line Item, or Heading.

This will download all the documents within that Checklist Item and will transfer the Checklist structure to your computer as folders.

If you have just been added to a deal room and need to review a lot of new documents, or if you want to transfer all the documents in a deal room to your computer at once, use our Bulk Download feature. Click the Bulk Select Icon underneath the search bar to Bulk Select all the Line Items.

You can also use the checkbox buttons on each Line Item to custom-select the Line Items you want to download.

To export the entire Checklist, click the Actions button on the top right and select Export to PDF. Select the Export type and confirm to download.

This should be enough to get started on ProDeal with the basics and more. Visit our other Help Center Articles to learn more about other features - or contact us for a more extensive walkthrough with a member of our support team!

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